Tuesday, March 30, 2010

At the Park

Gabe and Daddy spent a few hours at the park on Sunday. Spring is here, so we're beginning to get nice weather days. Gabe LOVES being outside, and his favorite activity is anything with a ball (kick, throw, roll, chase).

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday with friends

Gabe enjoys Saturday afternoon with an egg hunt, then playtime with friends.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

14th month album - better late than never!

Sorry it took so long to get the album up...we've been busy lately - especially now that Gabe's little brother or sister is on the way! Enjoy the link on the right!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Gabe enjoys most of his lunch, but eats around the broccoli. He's a pretty good eater, but green vegetables are not his favorite.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Throwing Grass

Gabe does his first walking in the yard, now that most of this winter's blizzards have melted away. As you can see in this photo, he loved throwing grass, and watching it slowly fall to the ground. Come to think of it, he loves throwing everything.

Playing with blocks

Gabe plays blocks on the couch with mommy. A toddler has arrived.